No Photoshop?

Boy was it cold out this week! At least the first part of it was when I started to do some of my pictures for my ILP. My camera does not do well in the cold, I mean I was outside for 20 minutes and my camera decided to stop focusing causing me to have to go inside and look up YouTube videos instead.

So, I decided to do my ILP on my camera and focusing on taking good pictures from the camera and the camera alone. Some people suggested that Photoshop would be a good tool for different projects and lessons for the classroom. I one hundred percent agree, if your school district were to have a lot of money.

I found out last semester that Photoshop is a lot of money. This may be different for schools with discounts and such but for me personally to use on one computer it was $120 for an annual subscription. You could’ve done $10 per month but even then, you have to have Photoshop for at least a year. I wanted to see if I could do photography without spending a ton of money (minus the almost $400 camera bought for me as a graduation gift.)

For those of you that do not know, or simply weren’t aware, photography is a rather expensive pastime to have. If you are into digital photography there is the camera itself, memory cards, different lenses, and printing the photos. There is also film photography which is crazy expensive because of film to put into the camera, specific light sensitive paper for the image to be printed on, a light projector that will help the image appear on the paper, as well as a dark room, chemicals, and space to put all the equipment. As you can tell there are many different ways of doing photography but just about all of them are expensive.

Through my ILP I hope to be able to encourage the use of photography in a cheaper way than some use. I really have found a love of taking pictures throughout the years, nature comes more naturally to me than posing people so that is what I tend to focus on. Throughout the week I have taken pictures a couple of times but I’ve done more just looking up YouTube videos on how to use the light around you to take a great photo, how different focuses will give you different feels, and what are the uses for different lenses. I got to get out of the dorm room on Wednesday to get some cool pictures with the snow but I didn’t actually get a lot of photo time.

15 thoughts on “No Photoshop?

  1. I think that’s great that you are truly doing something you are passionate about. I also love taking pictures as well but have found that it is very expensive to purchase all the right equipment for every detail to get that perfect picture. My iPhone will do for now 😉


  2. This sounds like a fun project! It will be really fun to see all your pictures, especially with the changing weather. What kinds of things do you like to take pictures of the most?


  3. Mackenna, this is a great idea for your ILP. A lot of people don’t realize how much work actually goes into photography, to get that amazing picture. From what I have heard from a friend who does photography for a retired paper, is that it takes a lot of practice and you have to take several pictures of the same thing in order to get the one picture that turns out just right. Your project sounds like it will be fun, and I hope you enjoy it, while learning new techniques and tricks.


  4. Photoshop is so darn expensive! I currently use! For what I can afford right now, it fits my college budget! In the future, I see myself using a camera in my classroom! I can’t wait to hear more on your ILP! 🙂


  5. I think it is neat that this is what you ILP is about. I used to really want to get into photography, but never did. I wish I would have though, and maybe someday I will! I can’t wait to read more about your project, I love how passionate you are about this! Great post!


  6. Mackenna,
    It is awesome that you like to take photos, but I think it is crazy how much it costs to do a hobby that you like to do. I also think it is crazy how technology can just up and stop working when the weather gets a little chilly.
    Great Post!


  7. Even if you weren’t able to get too many pictures, what a great week to take pictures. I didn’t leave campus during our snow days, but it sure looked beautiful from my dorm window. Is there certain things you want to take pictures of throughout the semester? I don’t know much about photography, and I’m really excited to see the pictures you take and read about what you learn about the art throughout the semester.


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